* Hasil kajian selama 27 tahun di Limoges University Hospital

Di bawah saya 'paste'kan sedikit petikan daripada http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/hospital-remedy-honey-helps-healing-220057887.html

Memang ramai penyelidik yang sudah mengkaji khasiat madu, termasuk seperti yang di bawah ini.

Dalam kajian ini, bermula tahun 1984, Profesor Bernard Descottes, Ketua bahagian Surgery/Pembedahan di Limoges University Hospital telah mengarahkan penggunaan madu di wad-wad Pembedahan awam & unit Transplant.

Ini orang putih yang tak pasti apa ajaran agamanya.  Bagaimana pula umat Islam yang diseru menggunakan madu sebagai penawar?  Tepuk dada, tanya minda.  Jika anda berminat mengamalkan madu dalam kehidupan anda seharian, sudi-sudikanlah menghubungi saya, ya..  Saya dahulukan kesudian anda dengan ucapan terima kasih  ...

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Honey and healing: 27 years of research at Limoges University Hospital

“We started to use honey on general surgery wards and transplant units in 1984, under the direction of Professor Bernard Descottes, Chief of Surgery”, Ghislaine Pautard tells us. The professor had read of studies carried out abroad on the healing properties of honey. “At the time, we didn’t have very many effective treatments for healing”, the nurse explains. Professor Descottes suggested to his team that they do some academic research into the subject, and then observe the effects of dressings with honey on patients. and this is how it all started!

“First of all we used honey made from all different flowers that we found in the region”, Ghislaine Pautard explains. “Then, a pharmacological thesis, written at the Limoges Faculty of Medicine, on the antibacterial properties in honey showed that the nectar originating from plants like lavender and thyme had a higher level of antibacterial activity than other plants containing these properties” she adds. Reassuring results then came to light. “We saw quickly that honey had a really beneficial effect on healing”, the nurse points out.
